MTS Language Devices

Language System in Classroom, the Environment 

for Bilingual Acquisition

Every Encounter with Native English Speaker in Classroom

MTS Language Devices

Language System 

in Classroom, 

the Environment 

for Bilingual Acquisition

Every Encounter 

with Native English Speaker in Classroom

Metacognition Learning Method-Based MTS Language Devices Patented for the first time in the Nation

Meta Training System

Learning Environment in 

which Learners Learn English from 

Native English Speaker, every day

The Bilingual Digital Literacy System to Enable Metacognition Learning!

We lead the future education so that kids can feel a growth change in the growth process, for themselves and they can dream of the indefinite future.

The Bilingual Digital Literacy System 

to Enable Metacognition Learning!

We lead the future education so that kids can feel a growth change in the growth process, for themselves and they can dream of the indefinite future.

Differentiated Classroom Learning Environment

▶ Click to view the videos of MTS Language Devices.

Meta Training System

Patented MTS Language Devices only for Classroom English Born through 

the Encounter with Education and Technology, only Introduced in the Nation

Patented Language Devices only for Classroom English only Introduced in the Nation

Invention Name : English Learning Devices for Children

English Study Apparatus for Children
(No. Patent: No. 10-2280693)

English Learning Devices for Kids to Induce an Interest in English from Kids, 

by Repeating Words and Sentences including Songs and Pictures, 

on a basis of chunk (meaning) unit through a Video Display Unit 

(language devices) connected to TV Image Display Units.

Encounter Metaedu’s multimedia.

META EDU INC (CEO Joo jae-hyeon)

404, Hanseong Square, 26-gil 36, Cheongsoo-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu-si, Republic of Korea

No. Business Registration : 625-86-00370

T. 1577-3047    Email :

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