Recruiting Talents

Opening the New Future

Power of Thinking to Challenge, Innovate and Create the New Future

Recruiting Talents 

Opening the New Future

Power of Thinking to Challenge, 

Innovate, and Create the New Future

We always predict the future, trying to find the clue for growth engine, in the field, create new values and results 

without being afraid to challenge and develop the way that other people have not gone.


We wait for you who will have the indefinite growth without cease with META EDU to challenge. 

Talent Types

Recruitment Process

Encounter Metaedu’s multimedia.

META EDU INC (CEO Joo jae-hyeon)

404, Hanseong Square, 26-gil 36, Cheongsoo-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu-si, Republic of Korea

No. Business Registration : 625-86-00370

T. 1577-3047    Email :

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