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‘Children’s Literacy in the Post-COVID Era

6 Feb 2023
Views 64

How have you been doing? :) ❤

We are the Education Creator Group- META EDU Inc. that puts children’s happiness and education environment ahead of any other things. 

Today, we are going to have a talk about “literacy,” the conservation topic which has been raised constantly, since 2021. 

Do you know that babies begin to form the basic foundation for the root of literacy skills, in other words, literacy development, at the age of 7 months they can neither read nor write letters? 👍

In addition, literacy skills start to be developed at the age of 2~ 5 years that becomes the important stage for children to make connected sentences. 

But how are nowadays? 

The era of a Lack of Literacy Skills! 

In and out of the medical and educational industries, there has recently appeared the fear that an increasing number of children fail to have linguistic development properly, amid the situation regarding COVID-19. 

According to the statistics of Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service, the number of patients with certain ‘language developmental disorders in speaking and reading,’ increased from 12,866 in the late period of 2019 just before COVID, to 14,693 in 2021. 

Besides, it is said that around 90% of those patients are infants and kids. 

A survey of 1152 elementary, middle, and high school teachers revealed that four of 10 respondents reach only the range of 70 points (Grade C) at literacy level, which proves the severe level of a fall in literacy skills of Korean elementary, middle, and high school students. 

Given this fact, it is anticipated that Korean children’s level of literacy skills and education about it would also receive keener attention. 

And then, what must we do in order to develop children’s literacy skills? 

In order to help children’s bud of literacy skills grow well, it is necessary to answer, in accurate pronunciation and expression, no matter how often children ask same questions. 

Parents or teachers need positive interactions with children, as much as possible. 

Also, it is very important to make children find the pleasure in studying Hangeul (the Korean Alphabet) and reading books. 

Because, children at the development stage, who grow up, producing the healthy sprig of literacy, can enhance literacy skills, favorably, until they become adults. 

Activity-centered right linguistic stimulus and experience using five senses of infants and children who reach the critical point of forming linguistic development, become a very important factor to properly understand social functions that language has, and to enhance learning development and the ability to use language, naturally. 

The Little Writer META HANGEUL, the Program to Enhance Children’s Literacy Skills, 

‘The Little Writer META HANGEUL,’ to Develop Literacy Skills that Express Individuals’ Thoughts, Voluntarily and Creatively, as well as Reading Comprehension. It is advised to develop Children’s Hangeul (the Korean Alphabet) literacy, with the Hangeul Program for   stimulating brain.  

For specific details on META HANGEUL, see the below link. 


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META EDU INC (CEO Joo jae-hyeon)

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