The Premium Global Animation Masha and the Bear, as the English Education Program to Satisfy Five Senses of Children and Fill up the Threshold to Speak Naturally, with META EDU’s Differentiated System !
How have you been doing ? We are the Education Creator Group- META EDU Inc. :) 💛
Now, we will inform of the news about a quite cute fellows helpful for children to learn English in an interesting manner and develop English skills.
It is none other than the premium global animation Mash and the Bear preferred by children.
Realistic Learning Review, Let’s encounter right now.
How have you been doing!^^ The quite cute Fellows~
It is said that META EDU’s premium global animation Mash and the Bear taught English, in an interesting manner, which has contributed to enhancing children’s English skills. ♥
What have you considered important, while studying English?
Well~ To children at the age of 4 or 7 years, the key point of English study is a natural and interesting ‘exposure.’Above all, I was worried that my kid might not enjoy studying, with a teaching material that he uses and meets my needs.
META EDU’s Mash and the Bear English program met my needs much enough and was extremely perfect as home schooling with child and mom.
Home Schooling to Enjoy Learning together with Child and Mom
The naughty Masha and the Bear which plays together with her are like Tom and Jerry. So my kid enjoyed watching this animation, very much~
It was very glad to see my kid study English through the animation Masha and the Bear which he enjoyed watching.
The story book helps readers read the descriptions of animation, which gave an even greater effect.
Now, which parts of META EDU’s English learning program Masha and the Bear satisfied you?
META EDU’s learning program Masha and the Bear contains the story book with the video, which enabled me to find out the descriptions of the animation in the teaching material.
Besides, the workbook allowed repetitive learning of learned sentences. I performed the role of characters appearing in the animation, through a role play, together with my kid. It was quite interesting. This program emphasized important vocabularies, over and over, which was greatly helpful, I think.
The Process in which Children Enjoy by themselves
When seeing an animation scene, a 7-year-old boy of mine enjoys finding and comparing between the same scenes in the book^^
He was extremely attracted by the part of the shape of earphone and microphone in the right upper screen that needs listening and repeating, I think that he must certainly have felt curiosity of the experience of listening to what those characters speak in an interesting manner, and repeating it, by himself.
Does META EDU’s English study have its differentiated elements?
Yes~ It is equipped with the patented MTS language apparatus.
Optimal learning was performed at the critical level of children’s speaking.
The language apparatus connected to TVs enabled learning. The setup of the applications in addition to the language apparatus enabled learners to choose and use. Simple learning was conducted, with the application installed on a mobile phone and a pad.
There is a news that child and mom began to gloss over and repeat familiar words or sentences, watching an animation, although their pronunciation sounds awkward.
It is said that they were very satisfied with vivid English expressions that allowed them to learn easily, in an interesting manner.
Naturally Acquiring Process! Is it of the most importance that above all, children enjoy learning English, in an interesting manner?
Did you read the realistic brief review of Masha and the Bear, as META EDU’s Premium Global Animation Sentiment English Study Program? 😍
For a more specific brief learning review of Masha and the Bear, see the below link.
💚 The Brief Learning Review of META EDU’s Masha and the Bear 💚
The Premium Global Animation Masha and the Bear, as the English Education Program to Satisfy Five Senses of Children and Fill up the Threshold to Speak Naturally, with META EDU’s Differentiated System !
How have you been doing ? We are the Education Creator Group- META EDU Inc. :) 💛
Now, we will inform of the news about a quite cute fellows helpful for children to learn English in an interesting manner and develop English skills.
It is none other than the premium global animation Mash and the Bear preferred by children.
Realistic Learning Review, Let’s encounter right now.
How have you been doing!^^ The quite cute Fellows~
It is said that META EDU’s premium global animation Mash and the Bear taught English, in an interesting manner, which has contributed to enhancing children’s English skills. ♥
What have you considered important, while studying English?
Well~ To children at the age of 4 or 7 years, the key point of English study is a natural and interesting ‘exposure.’Above all, I was worried that my kid might not enjoy studying, with a teaching material that he uses and meets my needs.
META EDU’s Mash and the Bear English program met my needs much enough and was extremely perfect as home schooling with child and mom.
Home Schooling to Enjoy Learning together with Child and Mom
The naughty Masha and the Bear which plays together with her are like Tom and Jerry. So my kid enjoyed watching this animation, very much~
It was very glad to see my kid study English through the animation Masha and the Bear which he enjoyed watching.
The story book helps readers read the descriptions of animation, which gave an even greater effect.
Now, which parts of META EDU’s English learning program Masha and the Bear satisfied you?
META EDU’s learning program Masha and the Bear contains the story book with the video, which enabled me to find out the descriptions of the animation in the teaching material.
Besides, the workbook allowed repetitive learning of learned sentences. I performed the role of characters appearing in the animation, through a role play, together with my kid. It was quite interesting. This program emphasized important vocabularies, over and over, which was greatly helpful, I think.
The Process in which Children Enjoy by themselves
When seeing an animation scene, a 7-year-old boy of mine enjoys finding and comparing between the same scenes in the book^^
He was extremely attracted by the part of the shape of earphone and microphone in the right upper screen that needs listening and repeating, I think that he must certainly have felt curiosity of the experience of listening to what those characters speak in an interesting manner, and repeating it, by himself.
Does META EDU’s English study have its differentiated elements?
Yes~ It is equipped with the patented MTS language apparatus.
Optimal learning was performed at the critical level of children’s speaking.
The language apparatus connected to TVs enabled learning. The setup of the applications in addition to the language apparatus enabled learners to choose and use. Simple learning was conducted, with the application installed on a mobile phone and a pad.
There is a news that child and mom began to gloss over and repeat familiar words or sentences, watching an animation, although their pronunciation sounds awkward.
It is said that they were very satisfied with vivid English expressions that allowed them to learn easily, in an interesting manner.
Naturally Acquiring Process! Is it of the most importance that above all, children enjoy learning English, in an interesting manner?
Did you read the realistic brief review of Masha and the Bear, as META EDU’s Premium Global Animation Sentiment English Study Program? 😍
For a more specific brief learning review of Masha and the Bear, see the below link.
💚 The Brief Learning Review of META EDU’s Masha and the Bear 💚